Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Keeping my hands busy

I recently told someone that I am unable to keep my hands still while watching TV (perfect example is right now; I'm watching TV and blogging/uploading pictures). The exception to that is when I have someone's hand to hold,  (which might be one of my favorite pastimes). Alas, I'm sitting on my futon alone (yes, I have a futon-- the mattress comes in tomorrow and the comfort level will increase 500%! Don't worry, I stole giant couch pillows for the time being). Anyway....

Another problem I have is that I always like to be going. My life in Provo moved at what felt like 100 miles an hour (except when I worked, then it slowed down a bit) but I got to Colorado and needed something to do that didn't involve going to the mall, or out to eat, or frankly spending money. I don't need more stuff!

So while wandering through Hobby Lobby one day, I saw a crochet pattern and eureka! Decided to purchase yarn to make a baby blanket for my dear friend Rachel's expected baby. After all, if I won't be able to see baby Julia any time soon, I might as well make something for her! So I did, and here's how it turned out!
(I hope she's gotten it in the mail already!)

I LOVE it! So... if you're having a baby, and I like you, you might just get something from me, because It's become an addiction. I have another one in process, here's a sneak peak :)

but in white, and with a WAY better border :-)

1 comment:

  1. wow!!!! I am majorly impressed. Not surprised, but definitely impressed. They look great! Go Emily!!
